Replacing my Krell FPB 600 amp with a tube amp

Im thinking of replacing my Krell FPB 600 amp with  tube amp . I really love the power and bass slam of the Krell FPB 600.Could i possibly find that with a tube amp? I was thinking of the ARC Ref 250 mono blocks. I am also using an ARC Ref 6 preamp. The only thing i can think of with this much power and bass slam would be the ARC Ref 750se. Any other suggestions and how would the ARC Ref 250s as compared to the Krell FPB 600. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
@tattooedtrackman - I believe your ARC is AWSOME! I've had many ARC components over the years and I put them on a pedestal. Can honestly say that my current system meets ALL of my needs. The only way I'd enjoy it more is A. A bigger room (e.g. 25 X 50 feet)  and/or B. Legalized THC. Long live music!
Replacing my Krell FPB 600 amp with a tube amp


Haven’t read any of the other posts, all I can say is "YOU"LL BE BACK".
The better I made all my tube amps sound with mods/circuit changes, the closer they got to the best solid state.
The only one that was close/equal to the best solid state was the OTL tubes, but you have to be careful what speakers you drive with them, which are usually the ones I don’t use.

Cheers George
dweller......100% correct !!!!                                                                              
gerorgehifi.....REALLY !!!!!!! "YOU"BE BACK" ...........Meaning ill be back to the Krell FPB 600??
Meaning ill be back to the Krell FPB 600??
And others as good and better.
Your 800’s are a pretty nasty load from 200hz down where most current will be needed, 3ohms and up to -55 degrees of - phase angle, this can equate down to around <2ohms in the bass areas as seen by the amp.

Trouble with Bi-amping, the internal xover of the 800's is right in the very sensitive area to the ear middle of the lower mids at 380hz and will be sharing this area with two amps, they better be similar in tonal character otherwise it will sound disjointed, as Almarg has also briefly pointed out.

Cheers George