Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)

Ok GAE owners, now you can sell your turntables, because upcoming Technics 100th Anniversary model will be a new version of the reference SP-10mk3 and they call it SP-10R. Finally!


"Berlin, Germany (30 August 2017) – Technics has today announced the launch of the Reference Class SP-10R, its most premium analogue, direct drive turntable to date, which is anticipated to hit the market in early summer 2018. The news comes as Technics unveils a prototype of the new, cutting-edge turntable with the world’s top-level* S/N (signal-to-noise) ratio and rotational stability for the first time at this year’s IFA."

"Reference Class Turntable Promising Outstanding Results

The SP-10R features a brand new, coreless direct drive motor which, in addition to the two-sided rotor drive system that was used in the SL-1200G, boasts stator coils on both sides of the rotor, for a more powerful and accurate sound."

"The heavy platter features a three-layer structure consisting of brass, aluminum die-cast and deadening rubber, just like the platter of the SL-1200G. By optimising the natural frequency of each layer, external vibrations are thoroughly suppressed resulting in a beautifully clear and crisp audio experience."

"The SP-10R also features a new ultra-low-noise switching power supply, which, compared to a power supply unit using a transformer, is better at suppressing unwanted humming sounds and vibrations. The power supply unit is separate from the main turntable, preventing unwelcome noise from being transmitted to the turntable unit, for a sharper and clearer sound."






P.S. Should we expect $15 000 or more ? And the new plinth comin soon?

Power supply looks funny, but the design of the drive is great, i think we should wait for the new version of the EPA-100 soon. Good news the GAE was not the last turntable !!!

In Tokyo, the price difference between a used SP-10 mkIII and new SP-10R is already 300 000 Yen (about $2800), i’m sure this gap will be bigger in time. More SP-10 MKIII will be available for sale for lower prices. I have no idea about the service rates to calibrate them etc.

But what i really would like to know is how good is the SP-10R compared to SP-10 mkIII. Someone should make honest A/B test, hope it will be @jpjones3318 soon.

I don’t care about dealers opinion, buyers are always fascinated about new toys too.
Everybody are hypnotized now by Technics, but we need a honest comparison.

@lewm what about TT-101 ? Is that amongst your top-3 ?
I'll post something on my blog when I finish my testing, but it is good.  Really good. 
Chakster, Why are you so obsessed with market values?  Who gives a hoot?  (I use the word “hoot” in lieu of an obscenity.)  My prediction is that there will be a difference between the two up or down, and that the difference is so small as to be negligible in practical terms, which is to say measurable but maybe not audible.  If I had to worry about the value of my Mk3, I probably should not have bought one in the first place.  I consider the comparison between the Mk3 and the 10R to be nothing but fun.

By the way, I don’t happen to agree with you, long term, on the effect of the 10R with respect to market value of the Mk3.  But as someone else famously said, in the long term we’re all dead.
@lewm the price drop for SP-10MK3 makes this model a bit more affordable for us (normal people), you should not worry about it simply because you already have mk3 and i guess you are not gonna sell it. I already sold my SP-10mk2, so when it comes to Technics i can only think about mk3 or those new models, but SP-10R is not affordable for me. 

But as you know i have two Victor TT-101, maybe i don't need Technics at all. Maybe it's more reasonable to invest in Victor to service them. 

Still too many questions about this and that. You are the one who has Technics and Victor. Our JP is another person with both of them and also SP-10R.