Finally took the Bryston 4B Cubed plunge

Back in January, I solicited folks on the forum for input on the Bryston 4B cubed amp. I was kicking around the idea of replacing my Parasound A21 amp. After dealing with poor health for the past few months, I finally did it! My take on the Bryston is: it's a keeper. It is a better sounding amp than my A21, but by only a very small margin. The Bryston gives the feel of being in a concert hall. An extremely full sounding amp with great detail and there's more emphasis on instrument placement than I've experienced before. The bass doesn't suffer at all either, very tight and clear. In comparison only to the two amps I'm discussing, if the Bryston were a "10", the Parasound would be a close "9". If I were to improve on my system (God forbid, I already have $35K into it), the 4B cubed would definitely be driving it. A premium solid state amp. 
To all the the forum members that were willing to guide me with their opinions, I give a heartfelt thanks. My previous posts (inquiries) were met with sincerity and am grateful that none of the discussion went off the rails. A few members contacted me personally, some I couldn't respond to. I didn't try to ignore anyone, there's simply a downside to old age and a weak heart.
Glad to hear that your Bryston experience is as positive as mine was. Did I mention that they are bullet-proof? While shifting the 4B ST, I accidentally touched the output posts to a slab of aluminum chassis - basically, using it as an arc welder. It shut down immediately, and came back to life some minutes later, none the worse for wear. What build quality!
I rarely laugh aloud, but your story got me going. I don't plan on doing any welding with my amp, I think I'll just stick to using it for listening."Built like a tank" is one of the main reasons I looked hard at Bryston. I dealt with customer service once, and they're something special too. I'm pretty sure this amp will still be kicking long after I am not and I plan on enjoying the time we spend together.
Thank You - professorsvsuYou are too generous. Again, Elizabeth is spot on referencing an ARC Ref5/5SE tubed pre-amp to mate w/ a Bryston power amp. This is a very sweet combination that I have heard on more than one occasion.Adds a different flavor for those who do not want a solid-state preamp.
Happy Listening!
I use a Bryston 2.5 SST2 w/a Luxman Cl38U-SE and a pair of Aerial 5T's. Excellent amp. By the way the late Jim Thiel used Bryston amps at various shows w/his Thiels.
I own both a 4B-ST (recently reconditioned) and a 4B-SST2, and they sound a bit different from each other.  All things considered, I actually prefer the more lively sounding, older ST on most speakers. I've not heard the new cubes yet.