Schiit not shipping

Anybody else only receiving lip service instead of customer service from Schiit Audio? In March I ordered three products and today May 28th they say they have no idea when any might ship, saying the Freya production is stopped. Back order dates have come and gone without any explanation or contact. 
**You may be up schiit creek without a paddle - or in this case a Freya.**

Seriously, Hope you get this worked out ASAP.
So in response to my request for a time update for my upgrade order: 

I’m sorry but we do not yet have the parts to produce more Gen 5 USB. The technology sector is currently booming, and some of the parts we require are in high demand. Parts suppliers are having a difficult time keeping up with the height in demand, and unfortunately this trickles down to manufacturers, including us.   We will not be able to produce any more Gen 5 USB boards or approve any more Gen 5 USB upgrades until we receive the parts we require. I’m sorry but I do not have an ETA since it ultimately depends on when we get the parts.

Many small companies are feeling the same pinch. At least here is one that is not willing to compromise quality by using any substitution available just to meet order demand.

This entire issue is my fault because I've been saying nice things about my Freya (which I think I waited maybe a month for when they were in backorder limbo last November). I still think it's a cool, great sounding preamp, and mine didn't have a noise issue (!), but I will retract my endorsement nonetheless until the shipping settles down: Don't buy a Freya, it's bad bad bad. There ya go, now everything should be fine.