...I see audiopoint isn’t falling for the passive-aggressive marketing act going on in this thread. ;-)
Perfectly exemplified by these kind of words from our Guru:
MG wrote:
I’m pretty happy reading through this thread as the OP is playing itself out perfectly.
Yep, that’s exactly the sentiment someone trolling with this thread would express.
1. Drops in with a contentious thread calling out some people as faking it.
2. It’s pointed out that calling people fakes isn’t a promising way to start to a civil discourse, and what do you mean exactly so we can discuss this?
3. Immediately implies the respondent represents the fakers.
4. Continues to drop passive-aggressive baiting replies, suggesting people asking critical questions is a troll, while never addressing the content of posts asking for clarification and posing questions.
5. Watches as thread ignites and becomes contentious. Helps along with more baiting replies negatively commenting on some people’s personalities without addressing the content of their posts.
6. Re-appears to declare himself satisfied and happy with the result - things went "perfectly."
If that isn’t the sentiment of a troll, happy with the scent of a thread on fire, it’s hard to say what else is.
And naturally one of his fawning followers posts support:
jf47t wrote:
Michael Green
Your a genius! You knew exactly how this thread would develop. You know this hobby’s personality better than any of us.
Only you could have made this OP I am convinced.
Actually lauding MG for his brilliance in trolling audiogon! (Which it appears from his disciples that MG does in his spare time, when not walking on water..)
Excellent work helping MG troll the forum, fj47t! You were clearly made for each other.
But if you pay a bit more attention to some of the replies here, it may be time to re-think your marketing strategy.