ESL's to Monitors

I need to downsize my speakers. I have a set of SL3's with a BAT vk30 pre and PSE 140 watt monoblocks. The speakers are too large for the place I am currently in and I am thinking of selling them and getting some monitors like Quads or Spica -50's. Does anybody have any suggestions for some small speakers that have the clarity and detail of the ESL's?
I would suggest you listen to the KEF LS50s. Not quite electrostatic, but close, and an excellent speaker for a small room.
IMO the KEF LS50 speakers, while excellent for a small room, do not sound at all like any electrostatic speaker I have ever heard. But they are nice bookshelf units.

I recently purchased a pair of Larsen 6 speakers for my smallish listening room. They are small floor standers; designed to be placed right up against the wall. They are excellent and provide extraordinary sound that I would describe as a cross between a planar (wide soundstage) and dynamic box speakers (musical and bright). I like 'em.
I have not heard the new LS50's, but the reviews are good. I would like to spend no more than what I can sell the SL3's for, so around $800 seems about right. I have not heard or seen the Larsens for sale or heard them so I will have to look them up.
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The Eminent Technology monitors are well worth hearing. Planar Magnetic midrange and tweeter, cone bass. Better than Maggies!