Audible Illusions M3B question

I month ago I decided to trade in my older AI Modulus 2 for a new M3B, sending in my money for a trade-in and have heard nothing since. My emails have gone without response, and phone calls to Jerry (described as service manager) are not answered and with no voice message ability--just rings. Needless to say, I am becoming worried that I've been scammed by these folks. Has anyone encountered similar issues? Any suggestions?
You should bail before it turns into six months just as it did with so many others. 
Keep in mind those lame assed duel stepped attenuators. 
"Keep in mind those lame assed duel stepped attenuators. "

Not to mention the unnecessarily high gain. Unless that's finally been addressed.
slow to respond? check.
lame ass stepped attenuators? check.
Unnecessary high gain? check.
You all forgot about eating $200 worth of tubes a year..

Still, I love the modulus 3A. 

They will not eat 200 worth of tubes a year if you purchase the recommended tubes.  I believe they are the 6h23neb tubes.