Technics 1200G Tweaks

Got a Technics 1200G last week.  I have been using it with the included power cord and interconnects.  It sounds really good but I have the feeling that it would sound better if I replaced them with something better.
Wondering what other owners of the table have bought and been pleased with.  I heard that the Shunyata Venom 14 power cord is good.  How is their phono IC?  Also thinking about Signal Cables.

I would like to keep it under $300 per cord.
Also, has anyone tried using the Isonoe feet?
In my opinion the most critical part is the cartridge, if you want to improve everything you can just find a decent cartridge first, it’s endless game, but this is the most important! Not sure which one you have now?

I’ve been using Isonoe footers for 5 years and i’m happe about them, but the new Technics SL1200G already solved the problem with stock footers! New stock footers are completely different from the old ones (the old are very bad). Why do you want to change new footers? I'm sure the Technics did the great  job with SL1200G as the footers on the old model was one of the weakest part.  

Signal Cable Silver Resolution are highly regarded silver phono cables, they are not expensive, but the RCA connectors are nothing special, i don’t know why they are not providing Eichman / KLE anymore.

Try power cord from Zu Audio on ebay for promotional auction prices, the best value on the market. Top quality cables for reasonable price!
I am using the Venom 14 power cord on my SL1200G. Also, using and still evaluating a Herbies mat. The stock footers are fine.

@andysf, What cartridge are you using.
@chakster  I am temporarily using King Cobras to the preamp. I am considering the Signal Silver Resolution because of their low capacitance and good reputation. I have little experience with "copper/silver" cables. Is excessive brightness associated with silver a concern? I am using a Hana SL cartridge. 
@chakster  For stereo I am using a Hana EL.  At some point I would like to get an Art 7, based on all the positive reviews.  Since I am a record collector, I have a number of carts, for mono, 78s, etc.I had a look at the Zu cables on Ebay.  It appears that with a bit of patience, I can buy their cords for $100 or so.  Looks like a great deal! Not sure the power cords will actually fit on the Technics though.

@ericsch  Thanks!  I just put an Funk Firm Achromat on my table.  Different sound than the stock mat-a bit more clear and seems to push the highs up.  I would like to try a Herbies as well.
@andysf yes, ZU prices on ebay are amazing, they are selling old stock for promotion directly from Utah, you can buy Mission Phono RCA cable from them for the same price under $100 (extremely cheap for the quality they are offering). I use Zu Mission cables for my vintage tonearm and Zu Bok and Zu Birth power cords, i also use Zu Mission Phono MKII (but this one is $400).  In the beginning Zu was a cable company, before they released the speakers. Everyone who tried to work with Zu cables can confirm they are top quality, we have replaced stock RCA to DIN for my tonearms. As for the power cords for Technics SL1200G you can ask them, but i think if there is a room around the socket on turntable then it must fit.