Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?

Prof - You (and few others here) need to get over yourself.

Again...this is a strangely emotional form of reply. Why?
What is so threatening to you, that someone might not believe exactly what you believe? I mean, I dare to give some reasonable statements for why I have decided not to spend my money on high end cables...and you feel the need to say "get over yourself?" I supposed you don’t feel the same need to tell that to the OP. I wonder why? Because if I’d made a statement anything like it, but against those who believe in cable differences, you know you’d be telling me to "get over myself."

Since when does my opinion "challenge" yours just by EXISTING? That’s whack!!

This suggests you’ve completely misunderstood what I wrote. I wrote exactly the opposite: that someone offering a different opinion does not (and should not) be seen as a problem, or somehow stopping someone else from doing what they want and like. We should be able to be chill about the fact someone else might not believe what we believe. Someone hears differences in cables? Shout it to the world! Enjoy. I may offer a slightly different take myself. So what?

Listen, I feel that you have every right to your opinion/observation/belief that all cables sound alike.

I never wrote that. It’s not what I believe, so why would I write it?

What is so hard about actually reading what someone says?
Did you not see the times I mentioned where I say it’s plausible cables can sound different, and also wrote explicitly:

Prof: That’s not to say (as I feel I must repeat) that "cables never sound different.

But the weird thing is that to people talking about cables, everything goes in and comes out as black or white. If someone simply has a more cautious view on the audibility of cables - for instance that some cables claimed to sound different *may not* sound different, but others may sound different, and all of that is only provisional and could be wrong - it goes into the ears of people and comes out "HE SAID ALL CABLES SOUND ALIKE! NO DIFFERENCES EVER!"

How about just reading a bit closer instead of wasting energy on strawmen?

(And speaking of strawman, a very common one continually raised here regards whenever someone dares mention blind testing and sighted bias. To bring up the problem of sighted bias IS NOT to claim "you didn’t hear a difference." It is only to say in some cases, you may certainly have heard a difference, but the method of evaluation doesn’t account for other variables like sighted bias, which allows some doubt. You might have heard it, but the method isn’t that reliable to determine this with great confidence, unfortunately ).

The other side of that is that you should respect the rights of others whose opinions differ from yours, and consider that maybe they DO hear something.

Again...nothing I wrote is in contradiction to that. Why in the world would I think someone shouldn’t have the right to tell us they heard differences between some cables? That’s bizarre.

My biggest problem with the nay-sayers is that they may discourage newbies from listening for themselves and forming their OWN opinions.

Aside from the fact I’m not trying to discourage anyone - just giving reasons for my own cautious opinions about cables: My biggest problem with what you are writing is how it suggests you have no confidence that other people aren’t able to process information and make up their own minds. Oh dear...they MAY see someone who gives some reason for skepticism about a certain cable claim. How will they cope???!!! As if there wasn’t a massive number, and greater proportion, of pro-cable views sitting right here to read as well.

You are telling them to NOT EVEN TRY, because you have already told them THE TRUTH. And if they DO hear something, they must be wrong.

Complete and utter nonsense, as I have done nothing of the kind.

Take a few breaths, perhaps re-read what I’ve written with the attitude that nuance is a good thing to notice, then we could possibly have a fruitful conversation about what we both actually believe.

Prof, the problem with this thread is imbedded in the title: “interconnects and non-believers”:

Jesus and non believers
Buddha and non believers 
Muhammad and non believers 
the devil and non believers 
Freud and non believers 
Marx and non believers 
capitalism and non believers 
vegan and non believers 
astrology and non believers 

some of these require a faith based approach. To some of these, a faith based approach is often applied. So too with COC (the Cult of Cables). 
One thing I've found about interconnect cables is you have to be patient through the "break in period". The improvement in sound quality won't be instantaneous but rather a gradual change. Maybe cable manufacturers could find a way to precondition their products before shipping.