@snovosel Awesome that you are trying the DIs out. What are some of the ’other [speaker] candidates’ you have ’brought in?’
The DIs are really versatile with amplification which is why you find folks driving theirs with a wide assortment of both tubed and solid state amplification.
I would start with the amplification type / level / brand etc that you prefer and are familiar it.
You haven’t said what you have been using...sharing that will be helpful for DI owners to provide more specific feedback. Sharing your room size, preferences, etc. will also help.
I personally feel that the DIs do best with some power, though others are quite happy with SET amps and have driven them to satisfaction with just a few watts per channel. I’ve driven them with both tubes and solid state gear ranging from (into 4 Ohms) 40 watts up to 500 watts (my current amp). Despite leaning and now being fully vested in solid state, my first/initial recommendation is to pair tubed components with the DIs, should that be an option.
Take advantage of the full 60 day trial, and run them as much as you can the first few weeks.
The DIs are really versatile with amplification which is why you find folks driving theirs with a wide assortment of both tubed and solid state amplification.
I would start with the amplification type / level / brand etc that you prefer and are familiar it.
You haven’t said what you have been using...sharing that will be helpful for DI owners to provide more specific feedback. Sharing your room size, preferences, etc. will also help.
I personally feel that the DIs do best with some power, though others are quite happy with SET amps and have driven them to satisfaction with just a few watts per channel. I’ve driven them with both tubes and solid state gear ranging from (into 4 Ohms) 40 watts up to 500 watts (my current amp). Despite leaning and now being fully vested in solid state, my first/initial recommendation is to pair tubed components with the DIs, should that be an option.
Take advantage of the full 60 day trial, and run them as much as you can the first few weeks.