Streaming Music and being able to keep them as your personel files


      I would like to know if their exists cites for streaming music(e.g. Spotify,Tidal,Deezer),and once ive created a playlist,does their exist a way to upload them to my laptop and save them in a certain folder lets say, for future use in the ability to downloading them to a digital media player for example? Any suggestions would be highly welcomed.
@tutetibiimperes - I meant after digital stream is downloaded, converted and ready to be amplified (post DAC), you can copy it to whatever you want. May be a simpler way to do it but at least it could be done.
I think Murfie Music is what the OP is looking for.
You buy or sell music you want/own. They also offer digitizing service for CD's and LP's.

Sure, that's not fundamentally different from using the tape loop with a tape recorder back in the old days to record from a turntable or a tuner.  

You're not going to end up with a bit-perfect copy of the original though, and it's not going to have any of the metadata that makes it easy to manage in a portable player.  

It's also a bit more dubious from an ethical stance - making mix tapes and copies for personal use of music you already own or that's being broadcast freely over the airwaves is one thing, doing it to make permanent copies of music from a streaming service where the royalties to the artists are paid per stream/play is another.  
Agreed it would most likely constitute an infringement of copyright... In other words piracy.....not that it has ever stopped some folk.