Streaming Music and being able to keep them as your personel files


      I would like to know if their exists cites for streaming music(e.g. Spotify,Tidal,Deezer),and once ive created a playlist,does their exist a way to upload them to my laptop and save them in a certain folder lets say, for future use in the ability to downloading them to a digital media player for example? Any suggestions would be highly welcomed.
Agreed it would most likely constitute an infringement of copyright... In other words piracy.....not that it has ever stopped some folk.

      dgarreson,you answered some questions in that single response about Tidal streaming and hi rez files! I was going to start a whole new disscusion of the "How To" transfer streaming music into a lossless digital hi res portable media players,( e.g.Fiio x5,Cayin N3).Because these players do in fact have built in DACs.So I may have just cut out a few "Third Parties" in reaching my final quest.. 
@zyac39 Well, I guess I raised more questions than I answered.  Several hours after copying that file into my NAS for replay through the Roon core, the file and its folder mysteriously evaporated!  However, it still resides on the PC to which I originally transferred it from the digital recorder.  So for the moment it looks like Tidal and MQA have thought this through.  I surmise that it may be possible to keep such copies alive on a device that doesn't ping the net-- but there are precious few of those. 

            You may just be redtricted in just how many devises you will be able to "Sail through Safely"..
Meaning,locking in your info,and than moving onto the next step,without being rerouted to your first place of origin,which is your pc...
You may want to contact Tidal support and ask them how to transfer their property onto your laptop.  The only way I know of is to purchase the tracks/albums you want to keep after your subscription.