Mcintosh 452 vs Pass Labs XA 30.5

Hello everyone, I'm at the Mcintosh house and so maybe part of the answers will be taken for granted, thanks to the desire to try new devices I'm evaluating a transition from my current Final Pass Xa 30.5 to a MC452. Even the pre should be replaced by switching from an Xp10 Pass to the Mcintosh C48.
I use the Totem Mani 2, Audio Physic Scorpio 2 and Tannoy Eaton speakers in a listening environment of around 20 sqm at low and medium volumes.
I would like some advice from those who have had the opportunity to try, comparing these brands and the good interface between the coupled MC 48 and 452 and my speakers.
Thank you.
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“On these fairly easy to drive speakers, both will work fine...”

Totem Mani2 speakers are actually not an easy load thus my comment around the McIntosh being a better match, all other things being equal.
My finial thought on this Pass labs vs McIntosh debate.Pass Labs has a transferrable warranty ,McIntosh does not,none.So if you buy a 2 year old Pass amp used you have 1 year of warranty on it.You buy a 2 week old used Mac amp you have squat warranty.Big deal to me.Also if you buy Mac gear new from authorized dealer over the phone and have it shipped ,you have zero warranty,it happened to me.
one thing about pass that makes it a pleasure to own is their phenomenal customer service. i own a mac c2300 pre and the pass x250.5. So i call both companies every once in a while. Pass treats me like a prospective customer every single time. Mac guys do answer the question - but they do come across as being rushed. Nothing wrong - just pointing. So one might ask "so what". 

I bought my x250.5 fearing that the x30.5 or 60.5 wouldnt be able to drive my speaker. the 250.5 was so revealing with layers - that i was happy listening at twice lower listening level compared to before. I can totally see what bo1972 says about layering. Essentially since my listening volume has come down - i am always operating in class A. i never thought i'd be happy with 15W (thats when the 250.5 leaves class A). 

btw - i totally love the c2300 - especially the phono stage. it comes alive with a pair of teles. I have listened to the 402 and the 452 and they tend to fill the room with warmth and there was a time when i liked it. For now - i guess i am happier with the pass - until the next stop!
Totem Mani2 speakers are actually not an easy load
Not correct.
They are an easy load, they are just not efficient 80.7db, which means they need watts rather current when played loud.
" I calculated the Mani-2's B-weighted sensitivity as a very low 80.7dB/2.83V/m. No wonder it didn't go very loud with the low-powered 15W Cary  Cary CAD-300SEI amplifier, as delightful as the sound was."

Cheers George