... If you enjoy them more with the SXL label on it, go for it. They sound great! But my intention was to give unbiased advise to (apparently) a novice collector who is interested in sound quality, not status. In the current marketplace you can buy as many as 10 London bluebacks for every SXL 2000 series with the same sound quality. Not a difficult choice if you ask me......I did not write that I enjoy SXL more, I wrote a few lines about the background in general (from my memory, it is long time ago when I collected some SXL and bought way more London CS and Monos later).
Honestly, in summary I prefer London (but can be that some titles I really like sound a bit different compared to SXL).
I was more deep in RCA Living Stereos and later to SXL and Londons...Both, SXL/London are always first rate, really bad were later the Reissues from Speakers Corner (SC=Sound Crap)
Yes, killer definitely. I doesn’t matter what press number you have, 1, 2, 3, 4 because the quality control took proof that each stamper was first rate. You can try to find same from other cutting engineers, there are interesting differences (G, W, V, L,K, D, E ...)
G=Burkett is known for really low frequency cut.. but there is not "best" engineer, it is a bit of taste from each
A "best" sound record is not automatically 1L / 1D..maybe it is a 6W ....
I guess from CS 6581 I own 4 or 5...