Paradign’s definitely can rock. Not listened to the B&W 802 D3’s, but the 800 D3’s with a PS Audio BHK 250 and ARC Ref 6 was very lifelike. Best I’ve heard from B&W’s by far. Filled a large room to levels louder than I like, but was very controlled and non fatiguing. The 800 D3’s can definitely boogie.
I've not listened to the Paradign Persona 3F but was impressed with the older Signature S8’s. I found the top end a little too hot for me but they can play loud and rock effortlessly as well. I heard them on Anthem gear so that might contribute to the brightness, so maybe better SS or tubes would have been what they needed for me. Remember thinking they rocked though, but nothing like the B&W 800 D’s, but at 1/4 or less the price I wouldn’t expect them to, but impressive nonetheless.