Maybe looking at the following to replace my Magico S-5 MK 1

I am looking at these three possible speakers as replacements for my Magicos.

Gauder Acoustic Cassiano
Gamut RSi5
Marten Django XL

Does anybody have any input on any of these please?


I looked at the Absolute Sound review of the Gauder Acoustic Cassiano (I always like REG's reviews - he always directs the reader to the significance of a particular design aspect and it's effects).

REG wrote that the Guader used very steep crossover slopes, like Joseph Audio, and he remarked that a primary characteristic of the Guader was a "silent background" out of which instruments can be heard clearly, no matter how many enter the mix.

What's interesting is that the Joseph speakers tend to impress people with exactly those same characteristics.  People talk of a "black background" or a "quietness" and purity of tone.  Which is exactly what I heard when I auditioned Joseph speakers (both in store and at home).

It really is something once you experience it, and if it appeals it's hard to forget.  I've listened to many excellent speakers in the last couple years, including recently the Magico A3s, and none really had the level of "black background" and sonic purity I hear from the Joseph design (which is why they are high on my buy list).

It really allows fine detail and instrumental tone to emerge in a way that is non-fatiguing, so either of those two brands - Guader or Joseph Audio - would seem worth an audition.

I agree with markalarsen that if the Joseph Audio Pearl 3 is in your price range you should check it out.  It's something of a giant killer as far as flagship speaker price/performance ratio goes.
Better is not what measures better. Better is what sounds better in your room with your electronics. Sometimes they coincide.
I've actually done a comparison at a shop that sells Rockports and Magicos (accidentally stumbled into this little shoot out), and although both deliver the goods in the mega buck sound arena, I preferred the Rockports as seeming slightly more "there," which is actually neither here nor there. My current well sorted home rig sounds just as good (to me anyway) which relieves me from feeling the need to spend the large bucks. Bullet dodged!
I'd suggest you audition the Devore Gibbon X and the Wilson Sabrina. They are on the opposite side of Magico.

You should listen to the monitor audio Platinum 200 and 300 very neutral speaker. The three-dimensionality is spectacular not bright and forward sounding like the paradigm persona. Voice instruments piano violin sound beautiful and natural.