DeVote Fidelity O/96 versus Wilson Audio Sabrina/Yvette

I’ve now completed multi-hour demos in 5 hi-fi shops. I don’t think it was recency bias that my last demo day resulted in my top tier contenders. In the morning, we listened (in order) to the Sabrinas, then Paradigm’s Personas, then the Yvette. We really enjoyed the Sabrinas. I would say we respected the Personas, but preferred the "Wilson sound". Really were blown away when listening to the Yvette, but did not get a chance to A/B them with the Sabrinas. In the afternoon at the second shop, we listed to the smaller DeVore Gibbons, which we could not fault, but did not give that emotional connection like we heard with the Sabrinas/Yvettes. Afterwards, we listened to Orangutan O/96s, which were a solid improvement, but again did not deliver the "wow" factor despite the fact we had nothing negative to say. I’d like to go again and listen to the DeVore/Wilson products in reverse order as by the end of the day we were quite tired and might not have had the energy to be "wowed".

Long intro to get to the question - any thoughts on comparison of the speakers in the title? How much do you think fatigue played a factor?

We listened to the DeVore’s with a $4000 Line Magnetic integrated tube amp - I love the look of the tubes and really am almost rooting for the DeVore/tube amp combo to win. The Wilsons were driven by an $8000 Ayre integrated. Obviously the Wilson/Ayre combo is significantly more expensive, but the DeVore/LM combo really seemed to keep up.

Thanks in advance for the feedback!
I don't think you experienced listening fatigue. Some speakers are designed to wow listeners in the showroom. Sometimes what was a wow factor at first becomes fatiguing over the long term. Not always of course. Other speakers are designed to be more even handed music makers that may not wow you in a showroom but may provide greater long term listening satisfaction. Not saying that's what happened here, but it could be, I would suggest further auditioning if you are able. Good luck!
Thanks!  I definitely will revisit.  As I mentioned, I could really find no fault with the DeVore's, and I really thought they had a somewhat similar sound as the Wilson's.  I don't think it was the sound itself that was fatiguing, more that I couldn't stand to make comparisons of the same demo material for the 5th or 6th time that day.  The Personas, on the other hand, did have a borderline bright characteristic to them that I think I would have found grating over time.  The Wilson's had me hungry to play different music, and I think I may have had the same feeling about the DeVore's had I not driven 2 hours to the prior shop, demoed there for 3 hours, had lunch, and then further demoed at the new shop for another 2 hours.

I'd be interested in anyone's thoughts/comments on the comparison between these speakers, and if anyone had these short-listed, which way they decided to go.
You have my sympathies, you really do. This sort of thing is really difficult as I know from experience.

You do the research, narrow down the candidates, arrange listening sessions with specifically prepared test disc - checking dynamics, timbre, sibilance, ability to disappear etc. 

By the time you get to listen you're unable to relax and engage with the music. In my case I was unable to bite the bullet and like yourself came home empty handed. Disappointed to say the least, at least for a while.

A home demo side by side would be the best option, or failing that at a dealers. Failing that, then one more round of listening is a must. It really will help cement the impressions you already have. You might even decide neither of them do it for you. It happens, and it's even braver to walk away a second time. There's lots of great speakers out there which do nothing for me if they don't do timbre.

Anyway, that doesn't apply with these candidates so you can rest assured that the Wilson's are fabulous speakers, both in sound and looks (not always the case with Wilson's), but at a cost. I'd personally favour the DeVore 0/96 myself unless price was no concern, and maybe even then. I'd definitely also want to hear the hemp versions.

 I know it's not much help but there is a small consolation. Whichever you ultimately choose you can't go wrong. These are all dream loudspeakers for many an audiophile all over the world.

[I'd just like to add that it isn't the speaker that 'wows' you that's best but the one that makes you forget yourself and focus on the music. That wonderful feeling when your thoughts recede into the background and you are there with the music.] 
Welcome! bruxesq
you are very fortunate to have access to (5) hifi shops.Can you talk about the electronics, cabling used in each system auditioned? Have fun and enjoy the journey.

Happy Listening!
I think if you make one more run with just the two speakers on similar electronics, your decision will be easy. Can't fault either choice!

I will say, the Yvette is my least favorite Wilson design-wise as I believe the time alignment adjustment is what Wilson is known for and the Yvette will only sound good at certain positions - I'd just get Sabrinas if I couldn't step up to Sasha 2s (which would seem up for replacement next year?)