Amplifier for home stereo dedicated to lossless quality music

I need to decide on a preamp/amp or receiver to use in my home sound system. I’ll be streaming FLAC 24/96kHz albums to an amplifier that feeds indoor and outdoor Monitor Audio speakers (which I’m very find of due to their accuracy). I want to do the source files justice but I have no intention of dropping a grand just on amplification. The speakers in the system both front and back are 100W max at 8 ohms. Any suggestions on what I might look for in the speaker amplification would be appreciated!
I have CL60s outdoors and an older Monitor model indoors but still with the excellent woofer/mid speaker in them.

I'm planning on attaching my NAS drive to my Wifi router which is will be in the same room and nearby the amp, which I should be able to link wirelessly using Google Chromecast Audio which has a TOSLINK port. I'd hardwire the router to the amp but the construction of the home doesn't really allow it without some major modifications.
The Yamaha Integrated amps seem to be a good fit for low HD and frequency range. I hadn't even though about the internal DAC since the Chromecast is transmitting the NAS files to the amp but that would of course still require the amp DAC to play the FLAC files! Thanks for bringing that up.
Just as FYI, Chromecast Audio will benefit from an external DAC. The better the DAC the better it'll sound. I have mine hooked to a Schiit Modi Multibit ($249) then out to a preamp and I think its sounds real good. I tried it with a friend's Ayre Codex and it sounded even better.  
Thanks a lot everyone-
I ended up ordering the Yamaha S501. It fits the bill well and I got it for $400. I presume if I convert all my CDs to 24Bit/96kHz FLAC files I'll be well above the original CD standard which I think is just 16 bits?