Core Power Technologies

Does anyone know, is Core Power Technologies still around? I was considering purchasing (2) Ec1200’s but don’t want to be in a holding pattern for the next year. Are they or (Mark) still in existence? What’s the lowdown or suggestion of comparable item.
@amg56, FYI; the Super Stroke power cord was purchased in a bulk order of 500 by Mark from a company that manufactures them in China.
Same thing I was told about the Super Stroke by one of his dealers.  Look on Amazon.
Hi guys, thank you again. I am quite pleased with my experiences as well as the feedback and reviews that have been and are still forthcoming for the Equi=Core products: 300, 1200, 1800.

I know nothing about the power cords. I am not a cable mfr.

I am going to do my best to obtain a V3 Deep Core and do my own testing no matter what.

The Equi=Core products will be in production again. Some things have to be worked out, but the product is excellent and is still very much alive!


Dan Wright