Core Power Technologies

Does anyone know, is Core Power Technologies still around? I was considering purchasing (2) Ec1200’s but don’t want to be in a holding pattern for the next year. Are they or (Mark) still in existence? What’s the lowdown or suggestion of comparable item.
Same thing I was told about the Super Stroke by one of his dealers.  Look on Amazon.
Hi guys, thank you again. I am quite pleased with my experiences as well as the feedback and reviews that have been and are still forthcoming for the Equi=Core products: 300, 1200, 1800.

I know nothing about the power cords. I am not a cable mfr.

I am going to do my best to obtain a V3 Deep Core and do my own testing no matter what.

The Equi=Core products will be in production again. Some things have to be worked out, but the product is excellent and is still very much alive!


Dan Wright
Further discussions with engineering regarding Deep Core have assured me of what the problems were and that they have been addressed. While I don't have full design knowledge of the product, I can easily understand the reason for the failure modes, and am confident that the issues have been resolved. I also now understand the DC blocking and AC filtering design purposes. As for the tune-able feature of the design, I would have to evaluate, listen and measure a unit here to say more. I have great respect for the engineer and engineering involved.

I still hope to get a unit in-hand to personally evaluate. I do not know what production status or date of availability is at this point. I have no control over that at this time.

I will continue to do my very best to keep everyone informed regarding production and availability of products as things progress and I am better able to give concrete answers.

As many of you know, who have worked with myself and my team at ModWright Instruments, customer service and satisfaction are paramount to myself and ModWright's business model.

Thank you,

Dan Wright