There’s no reason to believe stuffing a heap of tweeters in a box is good engineering. Given the paucity of such products and the general lack of success for those that do exist, it would seem the virtue is lacking.
Throwing parts in a box is never good engineering. However good engineers can make great systems with multiple drivers. If you actually followed engineering research, or had experienced good line arrays you might feel differently.
Speakers come and go due to more than engineering, as you should know. Cost is definitely one of many issues, as is form factor. I find these simultaneous attacks on the general idea of line arrays from multiple accounts pretty curious, and universally ill informed.
Line arrays are heavily researched, by professionals and many papers have been presented at the Audio Engineering Society. Whether any particular line array is any good, or whether you like them or not is a different issue.
But to call a line array poorly engineered because it is a line array, well then, show me your engineering credentials, because I call bs on you.
While I have not heard every GE speaker, the one pair I heard was among the very very worst speakers I had ever heard. I have no experience with Tektons at all.