""" So the "subsonic overwork" of the woofers seems far less. Or mainly absent. """
Either the Clavis/Atlas compliance and weigth puts the resonance frequency in the " green " territory as you said. So, seems no trouble for that and very specific tonearm/cartridge resonance frequency issue.
I imagine that you already tested both cartridges using the SME V in static and balanced way about the VTF set up.
Your Atlas has over 1,500 hours of use that are not way higher but not way low number.
Trhough those 1,500 hours stylus tip and cartridge suspension are the ones that could starts to work outside manufacturer specs and I’m not saying that’s your case but only thinking " fully loaded voice ".
Who can tell you if any problem down there? not a single re-tipper but the manufacturer it self. maybe time to talk with J.Carr for he can take a look to your beloved Atlas.
In the mid time you can re-tip your Clavis with a re-tipper using boron cantilever and you will be surprised the Clavis improvements.
Anyway, I think you need to try JC directly.