Why are my woofers pumping?

The other day, with sunlight direct from the side, I noticed that the woofers in my speakers are pumping in and out, much more than I was aware of, when the stylus is in the groove, even between tracks (no music).  I can see it, even if I don’t hear it. Why does it happen? The woofers behave normally (no pumping) with digital music, and when the stylus it lifted from the groove, so it is not the speakers, amps, preamp or phono stage. 

I’ve read that the typical reason for woofer pumping is that the cartridge / arm resonance is too low.  I tested, with my Hifi News test record, and yes, the lateral test puts the resonance at 7 hz or so – too low (but I’ve seen some doubts about the results from that test record).  It is strange, since the combo I use – Lyra Atlas cartridge and  SME V arm (on a Hanss T-30 player) is supposed to work well. I tried to strip my arm of extras, cleaned the damping trough, etc – but it did not help much.

Anyone has an idea, why it happens, or what to do about it?  

Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter

one thing to try

play a record Try to move your tonearm on the record sideways with a light feather

if the tone arm doesn’t move sideways
chances are the bearing in the tone arm is rigid causing It to not move correctly

if the bearing is locked up
all the up down motion of the cartridge to the record is occurring via the cantilever not the arm bearing

the cantilever going up and down produces woofer pumping

Best wishes
Audiotomb - I already tried the feather test, and found no problem. I also contacted SME who said, basically, if you don’t notice a problem with the V, it should be fine.

Raul sensibly suggested (going the resonance path, along with invictus005 and others) - test with the Clavis DC ca 2007 model that I have on my loft (not much used, since I soon changed to a Titan).
So I’ve done it. Interesting to hear the sound of the Clavis - from back then. Quite decent.

Pumping? I am sure you’re all dying to hear the result!

First impression: less pumping, maybe only normal woofer energy.
Testing the 2016 remaster of New gold dream. And then, with even more clear result, Pink Floyd Meddle.
There is a lot of woofer energy, yes. But less, or very little, of the visual-only pumping. So the "subsonic overwork" of the woofers seems far less. Or mainly absent.

This seems to confirm the resonance problem view. There are some doubts however. First, there is the possibility that some woofer pumping is actually not a big problem - just look away from it. As was suggested early in this thread. I mean, the Atlas sounds better than the Clavis, reaching further down, more explosive dynamics, wider soundscape. After ten minutes listening to the Clavis, I want my Atlas back. Also I've noted that LPs with pumping often sound good.

 Second, I am not sure of the compliance of the Clavis - is it 12 or maybe ca 20 (due to failure to translate the Japanese 100hz rating). It weighs 2.1 g less than the Atlas, though. According to the vinylengine calculator, even a compliance of 20 is thereby enough to get me into "green" territory. This seems in line with my results. I cannot test with the HFN record since it is on loan to a friend.

Dear @o_holter : Nice result you experienced with the Clavis ( that ovbiously is not even a " small " challenge for the great Atlas. ).

""" So the "subsonic overwork" of the woofers seems far less. Or mainly absent. """

Either the Clavis/Atlas compliance and weigth puts the resonance frequency in the " green " territory as you said. So, seems no trouble for that and very specific tonearm/cartridge resonance frequency issue.

I imagine that you already tested both cartridges using the SME V in static and balanced way about the VTF set up.

Your Atlas has over 1,500 hours of use that are not way higher but not way low number.
Trhough those 1,500 hours stylus tip and cartridge suspension are the ones that could starts to work outside manufacturer specs and I’m not saying that’s your case but only thinking " fully loaded voice ".

Who can tell you if any problem down there? not a single re-tipper but the manufacturer it self. maybe time to talk with J.Carr for he can take a look to your beloved Atlas.
In the mid time you can re-tip your Clavis with a re-tipper using boron cantilever and you will be surprised the Clavis improvements.

Anyway, I think you need to try JC directly.


Invictus005 wrote: " This has to be the most ridiculous thread on Audiogon at the moment. Everything and all of it. OP, I told you it’s a problem YOU can’t solve. Just enjoy the music. Some of these things are just part of vinyl. Many comments here have crossed the line of insanity. Seems like some people want to end up in a mental hospital?"
Let me posit this in a positive way. "Sound is good. Relax. With a good cart you get some vinyl pumping. Look away". Ok? If so, I agree. Fits my evidence, mostly.

But the thread, even if ignorant or repetetive, is not ridiculous. A large list of potential problems, regarding low rumble and woofer pumping, has been listed and described. Even if low cart-arm resonance is the main culprit in my case, the suggestions are interesting on their own, for anyone investigating low frequency vinyl problems in resolving systems.

I was maybe a bit optimistic in my last post. The thread is all over the place, yes. But so are most of the threads I’ve read on this subject. Compare this one: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/the-arm-cartridge-matching-myth . Halcro argues that resonance means ca nothing, others don’t agree, kirkus has a good post stating that resonance is only a rough measurement, the cart-arm-combo acts as a high-pass filter. For an even more esoteric discussion, compare this: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/strange-tonearm-tweak-long