Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning

My Cleaner Vinyl ultrasonic record cleaner arrived today and it’s impressive.

Everything I’d read indicated that ultrasonic was the way to go, and now I count myself among the believers. Everything is better - records are quieter, less ticks and pops, more detail etc.

All my records had been previously cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner and were well cared for. Nonetheless, the difference is obvious and overwhelmingly positive.

prof, not your doing but it looks like they designed the Degritter filtering system backwards.  It seems the water should be drained from the bottom where released particles would fall, pass through the filter, then be pumped back in at the top.

I'm not an engineer but this doesn't look logical to me.
It seems the water should be drained from the bottom where released particles would fall, pass through the filter, then be pumped back in at the top.

I'm not an engineer but this doesn't look logical to me.

It seems there is a lot more thought than that which went into the Degritter. From the Degritter website:

"The active filtering solution works by circulating water through the filter and then back into the bath while your record is being cleaned. Water is pulled into the filter from the top of the tank in order to remove all floating dust and particles. Heavy particles that settle at the bottom will be pumped out to the external water tank, which has a dedicated sediment section."

It looks like they have all issues covered.

If not filtered out after each cycle, visible particles definitely settle to the bottom of a US tank, aggregating into long chains of grey fluff. Some remain at the bottom, and some agitate into the middle and upper reaches of the tank during use, settling to the bottom thereafter. IME, if using a standard open-bath US tank that is periodically filtered, it’s best to draw those heavier aggregated particles off at the bottom. However, as the Degritter filters during the cavitation cycle, the opposite direction of flow may make sense. At that point the unaggregated particles are small, widely distributed throughout the tank, and will likely follow whatever flow of current is presented.

I didn't read the entire website, but it would be good to know how fine the filter is.  Mine catches 1um particles.  At some point I'll probably shift to a .5um filter. 

Anyone having good results by just air drying after US spin?

What solution?

I read somewhere about this approach but haven’t been able to find the info again.

Thank you.   
Air drying should work fine, especially if you perform a final rinse in DI water.