It's good that slowly people are talking about their personal walking more and either showing proof or avoiding it with the cover up of even more "talk". If we look at the thread on TuneLand "Talk but not walk?" Michael Green Audio & RoomTune supply the actual proof of "doing" the empirical testing.
No matter who feels they are right the only way to actually know is to "walk" (do). When and if you do you will find that audio is variable. Those who do not come to this conclusion are not doing the walking they claim to be. It doesn't matter what posters on this thread say about each other as people the industry and hobby of playing and listening to music comes down to one truth "a recording is captured and that recording is played back". "every recording is different and the requirements on the playback end are to be able to tune in that recording". In the HEA hobby where do you find the proof of this? Where people are actually doing.
"Talk but not walk?"