Have you recently lost a close audiophile buddy? What has it taught you?

Man lost my closest audiophile buddy last year. It’s been tough. Audiophiles are different. We are a whole other breed. Taught me to enjoy the music and be thankful for what we do have!
The older we get, the more friends and family we lose. Keep them close while you have them. Death is permanent.

Ain't that the truth.

Sorry for your loss @calvinj. 

I lost the only audiophile buddy I had a few years back and he was 8 years my junior (I'll turn 70 this year).   

I lost a brother a year ago this week.  I'm the youngest of 9.
I have one older sibling still alive. The rest  of my immediate family has passed on.   

Losing a friend or family member is tough.  Reflect on the good times you had together.  He will always be with you in your heart.
I remember the last listening session I had with Dave and Charles.   When the music got good Charles would let out a big yahooooooooo and Dave could only move his hands on one arm and his whole left side couldn’t move because of Lou Gehrig’s so he would just lean back and roll his head and neck when the music got too good.  They both did this that last time while I was bobbing my head. A black Chicago dude with a black texas dude in a white east Texas guys house zoning out to jazz.  Music truly brings us together. If someone walked in they would have sworn we were in a cult.  Lol.  
We are all moved/touched by different things. We have all lost people we care for/ about. I think many/most of us on this site are moved/ touched by music/ sound. You may find the "Kama Muta lab" site or the white paper "what is sound?" on the Decware site interesting- I know I did (just ignore the conspiracy theory stuff).
 I have always been easily brought to tears by what I perceive as beautiful-particularly music & it's good to have someone who "get's it" to share that with. So let's enjoy while we can!
Hi to you all from South Africa. To put it simple I share your pain to a degree. I don't think anyone can understand the individual pain we go through when we loose a close friend especially someone we have a lifetime audiophile friendship with (39 years) ................... Just knowing there are others out there like myself is enough for now. Thank you all for sharing. 
Wayne this summer is tough. We used to listen here in Texas and stay out the heat. I remember once every 3 weeks we would have 6 to 8 hours listening sessions. We would talk about life music god etc. Very few understand our hobby and brains for the music!