GutWire Ultimate Grounding Cable

With the recent reviews, and positive reports from a couple of members here, I decided to take the plunge and order one.

Like others I have been intrigued by the positive reviews for grounding blocks from various companies, but the prices are prohibitive. I decided to spend the extra $100 for the Ultimate over the Perfect as both reviews say it offers significant improvement. I am planning on plugging it into an unused RCA input on my Antique Sound Labs autoformer passive pre. I'll post updates after I get it, and have broken it in.

I just installed two Gutwire Perfect Ground cables, one to my SACD player, and after hearing it, I went and installed the other on my integrated. Past practice dictates waiting for one to break in before trying another but heck, the results were so obvious, why wait

With that noise floor lowered, there's so much more info in those pits and grooves that was previously obscured and revealing them makes for a much more enjoyable listening experience. 

I'm not getting a hotter top end that some have described (that eventually goes away) but one that has a bit more emphasis. What's really appreciated is the clearing up on the bottom end. That, and a richer, more expressive mid range. 

All the best,
I love the Gutwire Utimate attached to my preamp. In addition to the other improvements noted above, in my system the bass deepened and became better defined. Drum work also improved and is dramatically clearer. Every visitor noted these improvement. A friend started reeling off positive descriptions and exclamations after 10 seconds of listening. The same friend just bought two after I demoed mine in his system. To say it is a bargain is a vast understatement.

For those of you who have only 1 Gutwire, recommend trying Synergistic Research Passive Grounding Block. I purchased one from a good friend with upgraded silver wire and it's a dramatic improvement! Using my UG to power the SR and it elevated the SR GB even further and you have the benefit of grounding all components.

Hi Wig: Just so I'm clear, are you plugging the RCA end of the GutWire grounding cable directly into the Synergistic grounding block or is there and adapter required in order to do this? Are you using all RCA terminations to your components or chasis ground?
@ yoby,

Created a pig-tale to connect to the ground on my UG RCA, then screwed the barrel down and soldered a silver ETI banana to the other end and it works perfectly; sounds much better than SR basic banana plug.

DAC and Tube Pre are connected with RCAs, CD/Transport connected with XLR, Tube Amp and Power Conditioner connected to a screw on chassis with bare wire; each component added were audible improvements in clarity, soundstage depth/width, firmer bass and image localization.
