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I recently purchased a vacation home in San Miguel de Allende Mexico and have installed a nice small system consisting of Focal 1008 Be monitors, Luxman integrated amp and an Esoteric X05 SACD player to play a bunch of discs I shipped down.  I rent the place out when my family isn’t using it and the one request I have gotten is that guests want to play music wirelessly from their phones or IPads through Bluetooth which of course is not possible with the current set up. Is there a single box Bluetooth receiver and DAC I should look at? I play vinyl at home so I am totally unfamiliar with what to do.  Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. 
Rather than have renters use your system, which is very nice, why not just get a good affordable pair of bluetooth enabled wireless speakers? I got my GF a pair of wireless Scansonic speakers for under $500 they sound just fine. If I were you I would rather go that route and keep my system off limits to renters.
$30 get a chromecast audio. Bluesound node 2 for mid grade $500. Many higher end options available into the thousands if your so inclined as well. 
Jond, thanks for the idea.  You do bring up a real world solution to my worry about renters abusing the system. So far my renters have been couples in their 60s who have been  very responsible -- but it only takes one time to, for example, blow the tweeters. I have a place in the house where I could securely put the system away, but setting it up and dismantling it each time we go would not be my favorite thing, put it that way.