Both sets of speakers are great sounding.
Planets are great bang for buck, the BL are another league.
I've not heard the venus but they're on my list.
Running the BL on the Duevel Shuttle amp.
I'm based in the UK.
Duevel's "Venus "Speaker or Shaninian's "Obelisk". Which offers the best sound quality?
This thread might rehash, the old argument of Omni directional speakers vs tradition forward firing box speakers.
However, the main question is which speaker:... the Duevel's "Venus" speaker or the Shaninian "Obellisk" offers the best or most CONVINCING sound quality??.
Also, if anyone knows how either might compare to any of the older Audio Physic speakers, like the Virgo I and II, the Libra, Tempo I.... or even the more current AP Scorpio 25.
Thank you, S.J