Duevel's "Venus "Speaker or Shaninian's "Obelisk". Which offers the best sound quality?

This thread might rehash, the old argument of Omni directional speakers vs tradition forward firing box speakers.

However, the main question  is which speaker:... the  Duevel's "Venus" speaker or the Shaninian "Obellisk"  offers the best or most CONVINCING sound quality??.  

 Also, if anyone knows how either might compare to any of the older Audio Physic speakers, like the Virgo I and II, the Libra, Tempo I.... or even the more current  AP Scorpio 25.

Thank you,  S.J 

I just wanted to follow up on my post from May. I have received my Venus loudspeakers, import etc. all taken care of by Pascal Ravach of Mutine. While customs tried to throw us a bit of a curve ball, just because they can, all I can say is that Pascal took care of things from start to finish, he was tireless in his time trying to get my speakers through customs and to my door. My many thanks to him. 

So yes, all seems well with getting Duevel, and probably all of the other products that Mutine distribute. While certainly it isn’t quite the same as going to a brick and mortar shop or doing online where you get things next day, all I have to say is this, sometimes very excellent products are worth the wait, and are worth going to a dealer/distributor that really puts forth the effort to have matched, great sounding systems. 

Thanks again Pascal, I love my Duevel Venus! Well done. Tim
Hi Guys,

Just a few precisions (after staying away from forums for 20 years...but Tim's kind comment pushed me to come here):- I am NOT retired; my website says "Semi-retired"... funny how, amongst the many countries I sold to, only the US seems confused :)- I had a US and Canadian dealer's network... the best of them gave up, seeing how much "bargain hunting" happened with North-American customers; also many customers took their time then looked at the used market... My new direct distribution allows me, since 2008, to offer very low price with full warranty, and in 10 years I heard only but compliments from the end users.- Duevel relays us all enquiries; the reason they asked us to take care of the US market is that they didn't find a distributor they like... that's their right, it's a personal thing.- The most important: since I started in 1978 in Europe (I ran 6 distributions companies, and 2 manufacturing ones), I ALWAYS advocated direct listening-based decisions. Hence it is VERY unfortunate that the customer's bargain-hunting PLUS most dealers' lack of integrity (so many claimed to be serving their customers with passion, I saw so many pure money-makers) ended up with this lack of local representation. I received many proposals from good-willing people, but now that my prices are so low, there is no room for them.

- About Duevel: I sold 5 brands of omnis in the 80' - 90'... then gave up because, as much as i loved so many things, they didn't focus properly... or lacked coherence. 10 years ago I abandoned my own brand, Equation, because Duevel fixed all this, and sounded closer to a live event than everything I tried in 19 years, at all prices...
Kind regards,
Pascal Ravach
The Planets, as mentioned above.
Price depends of
- finish (black in permanent stock)
- value of the euro
- speed of delivery if not for a color in stock (means grouped or special order).
Have a look at www.duevel.com then let me know by email, with your full address info for the shipping calculation.

+1 For the Shahinian Obelisk's! I sat next to Richard Shahinian for hours as he demoed them using various classical LP's! I was impressed! He offered to sell me the demo pair for $450! Regretfully I passed it up!