Yes they do.  I’m not here to advocate for any particular brand but I’ve heard a lot and they do matter. High Fidelity reveal cables, Kubala Sosna Elation and Clarity Cable Natural. I’m having a listening session where all of them is doing a great job. I’ve had cables that were cheaper in my system but a nicely priced cable that matches your system is a must.  I’m not here to argue what I’m not hearing because I have a pretty good ear.  I’m enjoying these three brands today and each is presenting the music differently but very nicely. Those who say cables don’t matter. Get your ears checked.  I have a system that’s worth about 30 to 35k retail.  Now all of these brands are above 1k and up but they really are performing! What are your thoughts. 
Listening to insanely priced Kubala sosna elation tonight on loan and they deliver beautiful sound for the price of a late model Japanese used car.  Lol.  Honestly, some of the high priced cables are way up there but some of them deliver beautiful sound.  I will be listening to the ct2 high fidelity next week! Can’t wait!


which cables/cords are you looking to replace?

Which brand/model(s) are you currently using?

Happy Listening!

All Cables make a big difference, Power, Interconnect & Speaker Cables. There is also the very important matter of Cable Synergy. I have enough Components for 6 Systems, although only 3 Set-Up currently. Some Cables mate beautifully between some Components but not as well between others. Was just swapping out some different Cables for Bass & Mids/High's in one of my Set-up's whe I read this post, the differences are easily heard.
I’m not looking to replace anything. I actually had the opportunity to review the Kubala sosna elation from a dealer I buy from. I compared it to the cables I am now using. I’m happy with the cables I’m using I just wanted to see how something different sounded and the Kubala sosna elation sound really good. But price prohibitive power cords are 2k new Interconnects 7k new and speaker cables are 9k plus. They sound great in my system to tell the truth but I’m not going in that stratosphere. I get great sounds from high fidelity reveal and clarity Cable. The kabala elation is good as advertised though. The whip the butt of the KS emotion. Smooth yet musical and highly transparent. 
Do cables matter?

They certainly do!

I find my system sounds much more engaging with cables!