
Is a good idea to put Metal Lube on turntable,s spindle?
I think you have not understood the question.
To begin with, Metal Lube is not a lubricant. It acts on the metals, sealing the pores and does not replace any lubricant. It is necessary to add a lubricant type with metal lube agun.
I can recommend tribology books.
@raymonda ,

I guess I thought that "Metal Lube" was an unknown to most here (me included), which is why I thought the OP should have described it in his initial post, thus decreasing confusion going forward and increasing the probability of positive/useful responses.
Miguel, I think the same cautionary notes apply.  In this case, you'd want to know that the sealer does not interact with the actual lubricant in a bad way.  Anyway, for a turntable bearing, I would also wonder why sealing the pores in the metal parts is critically important; the parts in the bearing bear forces across their contact surfaces.  Do the pores, such as they may be, enter into this?  I dunno.