Something got your many posts deleted prof.
Correction: *Someone.*
Despite your many accusations of "troll" and "fake" and any number of disparaging insults, neither I nor the others you disparaged were bothered enough to ask a mod to delete any of your insults.
Because...we don’t actually have such thin skins and don’t actually get as angry as your paranoia suggests.
You want to call me a troll? Fine, I won’t cry to a mod and ask your post be removed. I’ll simply ask you to back that up, and anyone will see that you can’t. No need for anger.
Whereas....someone so thin skinned for criticism, who actually *does* get angry enough at criticism that he wants posts pulled, had the mods delete those posts.
Wonder who that could be?
(And you retreated to your own forum to further mock people here as trolls and other names, continually posting the link as a "ha-ha, look at what is being said about you on our forum!" bait. A class act all the way. But, again,’s your reputation....).