Next step: preamp or phono preamp

After 14 weeks my power amplifier arrived. For the last few weeks it’s been burning in beautifully.

Since vinyl is my primary listening I want to ask what my next step should be. My plan had been a tube preamp next as I’m currently using a Schiit SYS as a stop gap. But maybe the phono would be a better starting spot? My TT will be replaced and isn’t anything to write about (Project DC with 2M Blue) at some point as well.

I know where I will end up but am looking for guidance on the order of steps to get there as everything will need to be done piece by piece.

Current phonostage is a Lounge LCR MKIII
I went from the Lounge LCR to the Parasound JC3 Jr. It was a significant upgrade across the board. 

I was skeptical about spending that much on a preamp after my experience with DACs, however, the improvements are not subtle. 
Given you are looking for a line stage preamp, a separate phonostage, and replacing your TT and cartridge, I suggest you first purchase the line stage pre that mates well with your amplifier. Then consider the phonostage and TT/cartridge together. 
@mesch thanks. I am getting a tube pre by the same manufacturer and the phonostage will be as well. Things sound surprisingly good with the Schiit so I wondered if going with the phono now would be the way to go.