Possible Upgrade


A buddy of mine recommended your site. I'm possibly looking to upgrade my system and wanted to get some thoughts. The current system consists of a Carver TFM-45 amp with a Carver C-5 Pre-amp/tuner. I listen to some vinyl on my old Harmon Kardon straight line turntable. Just about everythi9ng else is Pandora or FLAC tracks using my Sonos .Speakers are Definitive Technology RLSII's. I have a Paradigm subwoofer also in the mix.  Speakers are non negotiable - I'm married and the wife won't go for anything else. Would I notice much of a difference if I were to say swap out the Carver to a McIntosh 6300 -6500? I'm looking for something mainstream that won't break the bank. Thoughts or suggestions would be welcome!


In my mind, this is a no brainer that the preamp is the wink link, then as mentioned, a decent dac will do wonders. 
I agree that you should start at the source. Contact Bluesound regarding the Node 2, tell them what your needs are.  It is a server with internal DAC that sells for $500. 
So know you got me thinking...  The Bluesound sounds promising and certainly the price is right. What are your thoughts about ditching the Carver Pre-Amp and running everything through a Cambridge Audio CXN or Azur 851n? That way I have a streamer DAC and preamp al in one...
If you pay the 10 bucks or whatever it is for Pandora's commercial free version, the higher quality of that version sounds fine if you have a good upsampling and re-clocking converter. Not my reference really, but for casual listening or background music it's great. Otherwise, CDs and vinyl work for me.

Wait.  back up. you said it doesn't have that pop. Did it have it before?  were you happen in the past?  if so, it may be you that has changed. It may be time to re-adjust your eq settings. Your hearing may have changed over the years and that could be part of the problem.

Take a stereophile test cd and play some white noise through your system.  Download the free audiotools app and measure that frequency response levels in your room from your listening position.  See if they are flat.  Then adjust your eq settings to make the sound better for you and your room.

Then, make a determination if you really want or need to upgrade.  I'm betting that you probably don't need to.
