FYI if thinking about adding a Single Motor Flywheel to a VPI Prime

Just took possession of a SMFA  to add to my VPI  Prime and have these facts to share. First thing, the SMFA sits 7/8" higher than the motor/ housing that is supplied with the Prime so you will have to raise table or lower SMFA to have enough clearance to clear the platter, also you will need a shelf/maple platform at least 26" wide for the table to sit on, 24" is not enough. I am currently using a Symposium ISO platform on top of my maple shelf and love the results but am going to have to purchase a 26" one to make this all fit, with that said I am thinking of having it built with the section the motor assembly sits on cut out and a Symposium Svelte shelf built the size of the opening which will sit on the maple shelf satisfying the 7/8" difference needed. Now here is my delima , does anyone see an issue with the motor assembly sitting firmly on the Svelte shelf sitting firmly on the maple shelf driving the platter/ table sitting on the spring loaded ISO shelf. What say you?
Mark Baker is the owner/designer of Origin Live.

Google it.

I use his belt on my Townshend Rock 7, ..the difference was remarkable.
No _hit!
@brf , thanks for your input and wanted to pass this by you. Since I am so satisfied with the level of performance I am getting from my Prime with stock feet/with Symposium inserts and sitting on the Symposium ISO shelf I did not want to upset what I have by using any type of spacers to raise the table, instead am thinking about gutting the SMFA and having a machine shop take the 7/8" of the bottom of the housing and retooling it to reattach the base/feet plate to satisfy the difference in height. What say you?
I use a SMFA with a VPI TNT.  I highly recommend any flywheel, physical or electric (as in SDS or equivalent).  Each such addition has made a discernible difference in the SQ.

That being said, and given that the Prime is currently VPI's biggest seller, and given the cost of a SMFA, I do not understand why VPI does not make a SMFA that will fit the Prime without the hassle tooblue is experiencing.  I have had my SMFA completely apart and I can see absolutely no reason why it cannot be sized to be a perfect match to the Prime.  IMO Prime owners should flood the VPI forum with this request.
@tooblue, other than cost, I see no problem with a machine shop removing some of the material off the bottom of the motor housing.