FYI if thinking about adding a Single Motor Flywheel to a VPI Prime

Just took possession of a SMFA  to add to my VPI  Prime and have these facts to share. First thing, the SMFA sits 7/8" higher than the motor/ housing that is supplied with the Prime so you will have to raise table or lower SMFA to have enough clearance to clear the platter, also you will need a shelf/maple platform at least 26" wide for the table to sit on, 24" is not enough. I am currently using a Symposium ISO platform on top of my maple shelf and love the results but am going to have to purchase a 26" one to make this all fit, with that said I am thinking of having it built with the section the motor assembly sits on cut out and a Symposium Svelte shelf built the size of the opening which will sit on the maple shelf satisfying the 7/8" difference needed. Now here is my delima , does anyone see an issue with the motor assembly sitting firmly on the Svelte shelf sitting firmly on the maple shelf driving the platter/ table sitting on the spring loaded ISO shelf. What say you?
If I understand your question, my belief is that the motor needs to sit on the same platform as the tt. 

The main reason is that any fluctuations in level or any resonances/vibrations that the tt sees, should also be seen the same way as it's motor since they are both still connected by a belt of some sort which will react to any of the off-leveling issues you will encounter otherwise.
@slaw , thanks for your response and yes you did get my question right. I could see a possible issue with the motor and table in two different planes especially since I am using the Symposium ISO platform which sits on 5 specially choose springs. You mention in another thread that you were going to order a Mark Baker belt but when I googled it, not much came up. Could you forward me into or a link to those belts? Thanks
Mark Baker is the owner/designer of Origin Live.

Google it.

I use his belt on my Townshend Rock 7, ..the difference was remarkable.
No _hit!
@brf , thanks for your input and wanted to pass this by you. Since I am so satisfied with the level of performance I am getting from my Prime with stock feet/with Symposium inserts and sitting on the Symposium ISO shelf I did not want to upset what I have by using any type of spacers to raise the table, instead am thinking about gutting the SMFA and having a machine shop take the 7/8" of the bottom of the housing and retooling it to reattach the base/feet plate to satisfy the difference in height. What say you?