Elvis Costello/Cancer

Just heard where Elvis Costello cancelled the remainder of his European tour after successful surgery to remove a small very aggressive cancerous tumor, all seems to be well just rest prescribed by his doctor. Although bad news seems to be a good outcome, thank God for that.

You missed my point.. your non-placement of the comma.....

To me, it read..

"Although bad news seems to be a good outcome"

that has an all together different meaning than this...

Although bad news,seems to be a good outcome.

So, with around 5 0r 6 additional keyboard pushes, your post would have read, not only more correct, but had the additional benefit of the greater meaning you wanted to convey.

Get it?

( Of coarse...there should have been the comma and then the word (there).)

Although bad news, there seems to be a good outcome. This reads correctly, I hope.

@slaw , you just really can't help yourself can you? Please insert comma where you feel needed.

Society has rules for a reason. If we continue to deviate, where are we headed?

I’m not going to apologize for that.

I’m thinking about my grandson... ((we currently have a President, that although he had 5 deferments from the military, (He) wants to be our Commander In Chief, (He) has no issues with using the F-word or the S-word in his talks to all Americans, (He) talks to our young Scouts in a way that promotes, seemingly, a feeling of, "it's all right" to put down our former President and that political party. (He) is (the first) to initiate "fake news", yet (He) wants to use (His) office to promote it))……. I sure want him to know the correct way to communicate with others. Why this seems to be an issue, I just have no clue? 

Where does it end? I just hoped that we could do better on this little forum???

Not only did you hijack the thread, you also had to bring politics into it.
@slaw , just go lay down and take a nap. Do you have anyone that can come over and pat your head till you fall asleep?