Al ...
Thanks for the input regarding the magnets. I appreciate your concern. I have a doctor's appt. this next week to adjust the pacemaker. I'll discuss it with him and see what he says and report back here on the results.
stereo5 sez ...
No problem. You're forgiven. You may want to try an E Mat or two using the guarantee. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Thanks for the input regarding the magnets. I appreciate your concern. I have a doctor's appt. this next week to adjust the pacemaker. I'll discuss it with him and see what he says and report back here on the results.
stereo5 sez ...
- How rude of me to respond to a thread without being asked, I didn’t realize the rules were changed.
No problem. You're forgiven. You may want to try an E Mat or two using the guarantee. You may be pleasantly surprised.