Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
I don't understand trolls.  In the stock market, short position holders spew disinformation to drive the stock price down, sometimes killing the company.  Here, what does a troll get out of knocking products they have no intention of trying?  They have a screw loose.  
Al ...

Thanks for the input regarding the magnets. I appreciate your concern. I have a doctor's appt. this next week to adjust the pacemaker. I'll discuss it with him and see what he says and report back here on the results. 

stereo5 sez ...

  • How rude of me to respond to a thread without being asked, I didn’t realize the rules were changed. 

No problem. You're forgiven. You may want to try an E Mat or two using the guarantee. You may be pleasantly surprised.

How in the world can anybody just make a statement like " I will never spend $600 on a mat" and then expect to be taken seriously when the thread is about said mats?
All you can state is you will not be trying it and that is it, you cannot even begin to criticize its efficiency or value to your system if you have such a negative dogmatic attitude right out of the gate.
Of course everybody is entitled to their own opinion but all that opinion will ever be is a un informed and prejudicial one.
Just my thoughts......

Ok I stand corrected on you not asking for the mat thread to be taken down.  I got that wrong as your statement was not completely clear.  I apologize  for that. 

Yes, we disagree on the wisdom of painting with such a negative broad brush on a product not tried or understood.