Should I recap my speakers? If so who can do it?

Would y'all recap? Mirage M1. they can't be moved. Can I just remove the necessary parts and ship that?

Rather than arguing about quality of parts. I think it is very important to see what kind of budget that James wants to use. I tend to be more frugal than others here and I’d hate to discourage him from an update. Even with some less expensive parts, he will hear a big improvement from the stock crossovers and really what it comes down to is what the person doing the mods wants to use. 
$4 for the MRA12 😊

Agree 100% will your post.  Many options from inexpensive to uber expensive.  It all depends on how critical the position is, the quality of the rest of the speaker and the owner’s budget and expectations. 
I beg to differ on the sand cast resistors
It depends on the implementation. MRA resistors are wire wound and designed to minimize reactance at RF frequencies.

If the original design was tweaked to include the resistor reactance, changing them could make a difference. Whether that difference is perceived as better is totally subjective.

Capacitor upgrades from 'lytic and mylar to polypro trump resistor changes six ways to Sunday.

What works well in one design may not in another. There is no free lunch.
How do you know if your caps are bad? I assume visible leakage would be a clue. What if they look OK? I have a set of Snell Type A V5's. Kevin Voecks went crazy with large outboard passive crossovers. They were built in 1996. It seems to me that streamlining them could be for the better. Opinions please. Thank you. Joe