want to ditch my Brooklyn to streamer..thoughts?

I have a Brooklyn DAC and have been running my laptop through it listening to Tidal....seems like over kill at this point. I removed my CD player from the DAC and enjoy the player a lot more. 

I am going to sell my Brooklyn and powersupply.

I want to still stream tidal.....was thinking of Bluesound Node 2 any thoughts on sound quality? other options? I tried a Chromecast and returned it. 

I have owned a Bluesound vault2 for 18 months and use it mainly for streaming tidal and deezer now.
Imho its weakest point is its DAC.
I get much improved sq using its spdif out to the DAC in my Lyngdorf than from its rca outs to the Lyngdorf. This was also the case on two previous integrated amps, both Hegel.

I cannot see the DAC in the node being any better than the vault, more like exactly the same I would say.

Do not ditch the Brooklyn yet, at least not for a node2!
It's not clear to me from reading the original post what your streaming goal is other than to listen to Tidal. If it's simply to listen to music via your computer, you can save money (if that's another goal) by selling the Brooklyn and buying an Audioquest Jitterbug and DragonFly Red with Audirvana Plus software on your computer (costs for the Audioquest combo ~$250 and Audirvana Plus is ~$70). You can plug the computer into powered speakers or listen directly with headphones. However, the Brooklyn has many more capabilities besides MQA and it's an outstanding DAC (complete with a decent phono stage). If your goal is wireless streaming of high quality music throughout your house, perhaps you should consider keeping the Mytek. Keep in mind that, if you sell, you'll lose a substantial sum relative to the purchase price.
I basically second the others here.  I have the Mytek Manhattan and the Bluesound Node 2 and Vault 2.  There is no comparison between the DACs in the Mytek v. Bluesound isn’t even close, nor should it be.  The Manhatten is a dedicated DAC that goes for about 10 times the price of the combo Bluesound DAC-Streamer.  I’ve never heard the Brooklyn, but imagine the same applies.
btw, both the Brooklyn and the Bluesound will do MQA.
  Another factor is reliability.  Bluesound does updates very frequently, and many of them wind up disabling functionality.  In the 2+ years that I’ve had Bluesound, I would say that’s inoperable about 20% of the time.  In fact, I also had their Pulse Mini, which is an expensive glorified boom box, and it died completely on me last month.  The warranty is one year, and Bluesound has told me that I’m sol.  I’m not to impressed by the short life span of a $500 component that sat in my kitchen for two years without moving.
My Mytek hasn’t missed a beat
I have been asking the same sort of questions. I am running Roon from a remote Mac Mini. How do I get the quality and stop all that jitter?

FYI: Roon supports Tidal.

ps: I think an Airplay and Apple Express replacement is what I am looking for.
My thought was the CD player sounds amazing without the Brooklyn....I could save some money getting a dedicated streamer but didn't want to lose audio quality. My laptop sounds more than adequate to stream through the Brooklyn. 

Sounds like I would I need to spend more than I can get for my Brooklyn an LPS to upgrade though.