Looking to purchase a new Reciever and I need some help!

Hello all,
I recently upgraded my B&W 685 S2 and HTM61 S1 to B&W 705 S2 with a HTM 72 S2. Quite a substantial upgrade and I absolutely LOVE the speakers. That being said I believe I'm losing some audio quality/performance through my receiver.
I am currently using a Denon AVR-1300.

-I'm looking for a receiver that provides the absolute best audio quality; primarily seeking music quality but the speakers/reciever will also be for movies/tv.-I'd like something that EVENTUALLY can sufficiently power a set of towers like the 702 S2's. Once I relocate to a bigger home I'll more than likely upgrade again-Budget somewhere between $400-$1400 (and I would consider buying used/refurbished/open box)
How does everyone feel about the new Yamaha RX-A 80? I don't believe I'll have a need for wireless speaker capability though.
Cheers and thank you all.
@audioconnection Any specific model? Most of what I find when looking up Rotel is pre-amps.
@timlub Looking into that one now. I've read some great things. Wish it came in black.

Any opinions on Marantz SR6012?
Marantz made some great stuff I'm not the one to ask on particular models but I think your going the right direction. try in vintage audio you may get more replys there.