Legacy Focus SE or Magico A3

I am looking to upgrade my current speakers, and am looking at the Legacy Focus SE and the Magico A3 speakers, my amp is an Anthem P2 running through an Anthem MRX 520, my Phono stage is a VPI Prime going to a Parasound JC3+,  I also play CD's through a  Rotel RCD-1572, and I do not stream music. Would either of these speakers be a good match for my current set up or do any of you have any better suggestions for speakers at $10,000.00 or less. My room size is 20' X 32' X 8' tall ceilings.
d2girls we are talking to you earlier  because you are the one that is casting aspersions  on our character.

We do not recommend components just based on price, in fact we have frequently recommend products that are less expensive than some of our other products such at the Quad S2 monitors which are a $1,000.00 pair of monitors which we think are very competitive to another brand of $1,500 monitors we also sell!

We list prices on discussions because far too many people get discouraged about being able to afford gear and then by knowing the price it may be helpful for those people to know where in the scheme of things this particular product lies or the other part of that discussion is to show how for example an $18k T+A intergated amplifier has been compared to a $120k worth of CH Precision gear which helps to show the kind of value the T+A gear is even though it is expensive compared to the other uber class products it is being compared to.

As per the Anthem STR we never said it isn't good, what we have said is that is has a clean, detailed and punchy sound which is drier then the Micromega M100 which has a much warmer midrange and so we tend to prefer the Micromega, however, according to our rep the recent firmware improves the sound of the STR we haven't listened to it yet with the new firmware

As per Anthem we display quite a lot of it including the MRX receivers, the AVM 60, we have an older MCA 50, as well as the STR integrated amp and the STR preamplifier, and matching amplifier. 

We have said that the STR integrated is a very fine piece, but matches welll with warmer speakers and people who  crave a more neutral sound. 

We have also said that the Anthem STR separates are way better and are a huge improvement over the STR integrated and considering we have both sets of gear in the same room makes us pretty qualified to talk about both lines. 


However is a product that is more expensive such as the T+A gear with the PA 3000 HV integrated which is an $18k integrated vs the $10k separates, better yes it is considerably better.

You have to experience a product like this to understand there is a naturalness to the sound of a product like this that most of the less expensive but good and capable gear just hints at but doesn't deliver.

Perhaps you should stop in for a visit and listen in the exact same room all of these components. 


Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ, 
Let it be known that price does not equate to performance, except at the high end.

IMO, this is not exactly true.  The price has really nothing to do with performance.  Since I build components (DAC, Phono, Preamp & Amps), what sets mine apart is the build.  For example, my power supplies are 25 to 35 lbs, even for the DAC.  We have compared it to many higher priced known and not so well know manufacturers.  If you know what to look for and understand how parts have an impact on the sound, the normal manufacturers are not using the parts that I use.  You won't see capacitors like Dueland, V-Caps, Jupiter or Vishay, Caddock, Shinkoh resistors in any of the high priced units even when they are priced at $25K and higher.  So I ask you, do they use custom wound transformers and chokes?  So what does that higher priced component get you?  I am not saying that they don't sound good, some of them do, but once you understand how the total sum of the parts comes together, then you really have not heard the potential from your components IMO.

Happy Listening.   
You have to experience a product like this to understand there is a naturalness to the sound of a product like this that most of the less expensive but good and capable gear just hints at but doesn't deliver.

"...just hints at but doesn't deliver"  +1

Very well said, @audiotroy  
Much of my equipment is custom built using NOS tubes, NOS capacitors, silver solder, NOS transformers (Altec/Peerless 1568s), NOS subminiature tubes. etc.  It is difficult to duplicate the quality and sound of many of my gear's components in my main audio system. 

However, for the video, I'm cheap and using a Yamaha CR620 with ADS L620 speakers, custom cabling from GroverHuffman.com, stillpoints, SR red duplex and an Omega E-Mat on the circuit breaker panel.  Unbelievable deep bass from this setup and quite dynamic too for a Sony SBR x940d 75" TV.