Again you raise some valid points, have to diagree with a few of them.
We never thought the Unifi's the Debuts or the Pioneer spekers were neutral.
A different perspective could be our assertion that the Adante line will be followed by a TAD like product with even better drivers, and other nicer things. The next realease will be the Argo line which is similar to Adante but with different drivers and powered. So we are estimating 2020.
It is clear that Elac is using Mr. Jones to upgrade the public face of Elac.
We were Elac dealers years before the Adantes and the Jet tweeter was excellent, their speakers were very refinded but they where not exciting designs.
The other reason for changing the system could be due to parts costs which may have made the prototypes too expensive for the price they were trying to hit when the final product would reach the shelves and if the Adante drivers were approaching TAD level for $2,500 and $5,000 speakers how could they then develop a higher end line?
Never cared for the Sim gear always sounded thin to us like the Ayre gear, so have to disagree. Haven't heard the lastest D ice modules either.
Classe has always had a darker tonal balance so yes that one coud be good.
And yes we do agree that this speaker does need careful matching but when you do you can get some very good results, as we reported the monitors remind us of the WP 7 not exactly the same but to emulate a $17k plus pair of speakers in any way is kind of an accomplishment.
To understand what Mr. Jones was thinking you should listen to his interviews.
Nice talking with you lovely to have a civil discourse like the forums were designed to do.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
We never thought the Unifi's the Debuts or the Pioneer spekers were neutral.
A different perspective could be our assertion that the Adante line will be followed by a TAD like product with even better drivers, and other nicer things. The next realease will be the Argo line which is similar to Adante but with different drivers and powered. So we are estimating 2020.
It is clear that Elac is using Mr. Jones to upgrade the public face of Elac.
We were Elac dealers years before the Adantes and the Jet tweeter was excellent, their speakers were very refinded but they where not exciting designs.
The other reason for changing the system could be due to parts costs which may have made the prototypes too expensive for the price they were trying to hit when the final product would reach the shelves and if the Adante drivers were approaching TAD level for $2,500 and $5,000 speakers how could they then develop a higher end line?
Never cared for the Sim gear always sounded thin to us like the Ayre gear, so have to disagree. Haven't heard the lastest D ice modules either.
Classe has always had a darker tonal balance so yes that one coud be good.
And yes we do agree that this speaker does need careful matching but when you do you can get some very good results, as we reported the monitors remind us of the WP 7 not exactly the same but to emulate a $17k plus pair of speakers in any way is kind of an accomplishment.
To understand what Mr. Jones was thinking you should listen to his interviews.
Nice talking with you lovely to have a civil discourse like the forums were designed to do.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ