The George Wright AU-1000 preamp I own is actually the same preamp Boa2 once owned. He sold
it to a another guy. And I bought it from him.
Well, I can still say with great confidence that the LaScalas drop off severely just under 50hz. If you consider that adequate bass, then so be it, that's all you need! The LaScalas Howard owned that you mentioned were purchased from me, as was the preamp you now own (great little pre btw). Howard's an old friend of mine. He now owns a pair of Khorns. Last time I was there he was using a high powered McIntosh SS amp to push them, though I think he's gone back to SET lately. If you really want to find out how low they go, buy yourself a sound pressure meter from Radio Shack and take some measurements. That's how I came to these conclusions. I've done it in several rooms with two pairs of LaScalas and various amps and preamps, including the very one you now own. If your results are vastly different I'd like to know your secret(s). Cool beans though...I'm glad you're getting the lows you want from them - they're great speakers.
Yep, crossovers and tweeters are the first things I'd change..oh, and the zip cord that passes for internal wires.