Thank you for the very precious suggestions.
In the order I think I'd try to (1) decouple the speakers from the floor, (2) ensure the positioning is correct, (3) verify the state of the crossovers, (4) verify the state of the cones.
I see the ADS 1230 speakers have 5 feet at the bottom. If I mount them on spikes, how many spikes would you suggest to use? I think 3 should be the best number to ensure that they all touch the floor evenly, am I wrong on assuming this?
In the order I think I'd try to (1) decouple the speakers from the floor, (2) ensure the positioning is correct, (3) verify the state of the crossovers, (4) verify the state of the cones.
I see the ADS 1230 speakers have 5 feet at the bottom. If I mount them on spikes, how many spikes would you suggest to use? I think 3 should be the best number to ensure that they all touch the floor evenly, am I wrong on assuming this?