Speaker Choice for Almarro 318B

Guys, I'm a budding audiophile looking to jump up to tube amps after a few years with an Arcam/B&W integrated combo. I've become smitten with the Almarro 318B integrated tube amp and now I'm in the market for some affordable speakers that will suit the amp better than my B&W DM 602 S3 speakers. The room is approx 14'X 16', hardwood floors with a small area rug, celings are approx 10' high. Speakers will need to be placed close to the wall. I listen to an eclectic mix of music that veers from noise rock to experimental electro acoustic to HEAVY avant metal ala Sunn O))) to more traditional things like PJ Harvey and Radiohead. I'm in need of a good speaker recommendation. I've been looking into Green Mountain Audio Europas, Zu Tones, Gallo Ref 3.1s, and the Omega Super XRS speakers. Can anyone point me in the right direction here? If I had the cash I would get the GMA Callistos based on reputation, or the Zu Druids, but I don't think I even have the space for these speakers. I am leaning toward a used pair of Europas for $650 shipped. Should I take the plunge? Please help! I want a speaker that will be a noticeable step up from my current setup...Will the GMA Europas mix well with the Almarro 318B? Thanks!
Sean34, actually I've looked closely at those and they are on my list...just need to narrow it down :) I have time though as the amp won't be here for 3-4 months!
If your budget must stay below $1000.00 then it's going to be hard to fill that order. You could get a pair of Decware MG 94s and maybe add a sub or look into what AV 123 has to offer. 18 watts will drive 90db speakers plenty loud as long as their impedance curve is pretty benign. Later on, if you decide that SET is the way for you. You could sell the B&Ws and whatever speaker you purchase now and look into much better speakers for that amp.
Actually, my budget will be able to handle more than $100, but I'd like to stay under $3000...The Almarro has no dedicated output for a sub, so I'm guessing I can't supplement the lack of bass on some of these speakers? I'm new to this sorry!
It is not necessary to use a sub as I am getting down into the low 30's in my room(14x17 with 9.5 ceilings) and that is tight fast quality bass! You should be able to pick up a pair of the De Capo's for around 1000$ I actually had to put some bass traps in the corners I was getting so much. Sean
I have the 318B and just ordered a pair of the Hornshoppe Horns (www.hornshoppe.com). The price is $850 delivered from Ed Shilling who makes them.

They have gotten good reviews on 6moons and other sites. Srajan at 6moons also thought the Horns and the 318B would be a good match when I emailed him.

I auditioned them a few weeks and was smitten. I think that for the money, you would be hard pressed to beat them. I did alot of research first.

Depending on your room and listening habits, you may or may not want a sub. I heard them with and without. As I already had a sub, it was not an issue.