Meridian Blu Ray?

Does Meridian have a BluRay/HDMI 1.3a offering yet?

Also, how do you connect Meridian DSP speakers to non Meridian pre/pro?

Hopefully they will be announcing something at CES in January from what I hear
Meridian has promised an HDMI solution for their products but not promised a BR player. Announcements at CES, no doubt.

Also, you can use any source that can supply an S/PDIF signal to each speaker but you need to figure out how to control the volume. AFAIK, aside from Meridian pres, only the TacT pre/pro can do this.
I believe (but can't swear to it), that if one of your Meridian speakers is a Master, you can use a Meridian remote control for volume. I suppose you could also try a Logitech Harmony remote. But you might need to experiment by loading a Meridian AVR device to "fool" the remote into thinking it's controlling an processor vs. a speaker.
Thanks Guys,

I think this kills my thought of Meridian for the immediate future. Too much a one system thing and no BD support.