As for WAF, my wife gets a pass here because she has accepted a whole lot of my other more intrusive hobbies. I can’t complain. So I’ll have to pick and choose my dedicated listening time.
The thing that really kills me is that my daughter and her husband will be moving into _my_ cabin in two weeks for six months while their new home is being built. This is going to limit good listening time to just about zero.
I have racked my brain about where to put the system in my house. There just isn’t any place where it will fit within the space and the decor (WAF).
You sir are a smart man.
While it seems strange, if you have a garage, you could use that as a listening room. Just put the speakers back against the wall and pull them out when you listen. You can grab a chair from the kitchen. A cheap large throw rug or old large piece of carpet can be used on the floor to help treat any floor reflections. If nothing else, you will have the coolest garage system in the world when you are working in it.